That's what you can expect when you tune into The Howl. Though the playlist is mostly rock, you will find a varied selection, including blues, country, comedy and more. All available for request 24/7!

Browse the list often as we are always adding music. Find old favorites, and maybe some new ones.

For example ...

Song history

Weeblewolf Pinion joined the SecondLife community early in '07 at the invite of an online radio listener, and has been DJ'ing on SecondLife under that name ever since.

More information coming soon; in the meantime, tune in and learn.

Your DJ - Weeblewolf Pinion

Musical Mayhem

The Howl from Wolf Howls Internet Radio, playing your requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, save crashes or other uncontrollable event by gods or men.

Free Streaming Music

You could win some L$ and prizes when you listen to The Howl.

Browse, search and request

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On Air Contests

Drop a nickel in the jukebox.

Help Support The Howl

Tune in and request Black State Highway on The Howl. Get more information and give us your feedback at Blog The Howl.